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# Reference
* [`NAMEOF` macro that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of variable, function, macro.](#nameof)
* [`NAMEOF_FULL` macro that obtains simple (unqualified) full (with template suffix) string name of variable, function, macro.](#nameof_full)
* [`NAMEOF_RAW` macro that obtains raw string name of variable, function, macro.](#nameof_raw)
* [`nameof_enum` function that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of enum variable.](#nameof_enum)
* [`NAMEOF_ENUM` macro that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of enum variable.](#nameof_enum-1)
* [`NAMEOF_ENUM_CONST` macro that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of static storage enum variable.](#nameof_enum_const)
* [`nameof_enum_flag` function that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of enum variable.](#nameof_enum_flag)
* [`NAMEOF_ENUM_FLAG` function that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of enum variable.](#nameof_enum_flag-1)
* [`nameof_type` function that obtains string name of type, reference and cv-qualifiers are ignored.](#nameof_type)
* [`nameof_full_type` function that obtains string name of full type, with reference and cv-qualifiers.](#nameof_full_type)
* [`NAMEOF_TYPE` macro that obtains string name of type, reference and cv-qualifiers are ignored.](#nameof_type-1)
* [`NAMEOF_FULL_TYPE` macro that obtains string name of full type, with reference and cv-qualifiers.](#nameof_full_type-1)
* [`NAMEOF_TYPE_EXPR` macro that obtains string name type of expression, reference and cv-qualifiers are ignored.](#nameof_type_expr)
* [`NAMEOF_FULL_TYPE_EXPR` macro that obtains string name full type of expression, with reference and cv-qualifiers.](#nameof_full_type_expr)
* [`NAMEOF_TYPE_RTTI` macro that obtains string name type, using RTTI.](#nameof_type_rtti)
## Synopsis
* Before use, read the [limitations](limitations.md) of functionality.
* All functions `constexpr` and `noexcept`.
* To check is nameof_type supported compiler use macro `NAMEOF_TYPE_SUPPORTED` or constexpr constant `nameof::is_nameof_type_supported`.</br>
If nameof_type used on unsupported compiler, occurs the compilation error. To suppress error define macro `NAMEOF_TYPE_NO_CHECK_SUPPORT`.
* To check is nameof_enum supported compiler use macro `NAMEOF_ENUM_SUPPORTED` or constexpr constant `nameof::is_nameof_enum_supported`.</br>
If nameof_enum used on unsupported compiler, occurs the compilation error. To suppress error define macro `NAMEOF_ENUM_NO_CHECK_SUPPORT`.
* Macro that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of variable, function, macro.
* Returns `nameof::cstring` - constexpr implementation of an string.
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Expression does not have a name."`.
* Examples
// Name of variable.
NAMEOF(somevar) -> "somevar"
// Name of member variable.
NAMEOF(person.address.zip_code) -> "zip_code"
// Name of function.
NAMEOF(foo<int, float>()) -> "foo"
// Name of member function.
NAMEOF(somevar.some_method()) -> "some_method"
NAMEOF(somevar.some_method<int>()) -> "some_method"
// Name of macro.
NAMEOF(__LINE__) -> "__LINE__"
NAMEOF(NAMEOF(structvar)) -> "NAMEOF"
* Macro that obtains simple (unqualified) full (with template suffix) string name of variable, function, macro.
* Returns `nameof::cstring` - constexpr implementation of an string.
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Expression does not have a name."`.
* Examples
// Full name of template function.
NAMEOF_FULL(foo<int, float>()) -> "foo<int, float>"
// Full name of template member function.
NAMEOF_FULL(somevar.some_method<int>()) -> "some_method<int>"
* Macro that obtains raw string name of variable, function, macro.
* Returns `nameof::cstring` - constexpr implementation of an string.
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Expression does not have a name."`.
* Examples
NAMEOF_RAW(::somevar.somefield) -> "::somevar.somefield"
NAMEOF_RAW(&some_class::some_method<int>) -> "&some_class::some_method<int>"
## `nameof_enum`
* Function that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of enum variable.
* Returns `std::string_view`.
* Enum variable to string.
* If argument does not have name or [out of range](limitations.md#nameof-enum), returns empty `std::string_view`.
* Examples
auto color = Color::RED;
nameof::nameof_enum(color) -> "RED"
* Static storage enum variable to string.
* This version is much lighter on the compile times and is not restricted to the enum_range [limitation](limitations.md#nameof-enum).
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Enum value does not have a name."`.
* Examples
nameof::nameof_enum<Color::GREEN>() -> "GREEN"
* Macro that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of enum variable.
* Returns `std::string_view`.
* If argument does not have name or [out of range](limitations.md#nameof-enum), returns empty `std::string_view`.
* Examples
auto color = Color::RED;
NAMEOF_ENUM(color) -> "RED"
* Macro that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of static storage enum variable.
* Returns `std::string_view`.
* This version is much lighter on the compile times and is not restricted to the enum_range [limitation](limitations.md#nameof-enum).
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Enum value does not have a name."`.
* Examples
## `nameof_enum_flag`
* Function that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of enum flag variable.
* Returns `std::string`.
* If argument does not have name or [out of range](limitations.md#nameof-enum), returns empty `std::string`.
* Examples
enum class AnimalFlags { HasClaws = 1 << 0, CanFly = 1 << 1, EatsFish = 1 << 2, Endangered = 1 << 3 };
auto flag = AnimalFlags::Endangered;
nameof_enum_flag(flag) -> "Endangered"
flag = AnimalFlags::Endangered | AnimalFlags::CanFly;
nameof_enum_flag(flag) -> "CanFly|Endangered"
nameof_enum_flag(flag) -> "HasClaws|CanFly"
nameof_enum(HasClaws | CanFly) -> ""
* Macro that obtains simple (unqualified) string name of enum flag variable.
* Returns `std::string`.
* If argument does not have name or [out of range](limitations.md#nameof-enum), returns empty `std::string`.
* Examples
enum class AnimalFlags { HasClaws = 1 << 0, CanFly = 1 << 1, EatsFish = 1 << 2, Endangered = 1 << 3 };
auto flag = AnimalFlags::Endangered;
NAMEOF_ENUM_FLAG(flag) -> "Endangered"
flag = AnimalFlags::Endangered | AnimalFlags::CanFly;
NAMEOF_ENUM_FLAG(flag) -> "CanFly|Endangered"
NAMEOF_ENUM_FLAG(flag) -> "HasClaws|CanFly"
NAMEOF_ENUM(HasClaws | CanFly) -> ""
## `nameof_type`
* Function that obtains string name of type, reference and cv-qualifiers are ignored.
* Returns `nameof::cstring` - constexpr implementation of an string.
* In all cases, reference and cv-qualifiers are ignored by `nameof_type` (that is, `nameof_type<const T&>() == nameof_type<T>()`).
* Returns compiler-specific type name.
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Expression does not have a name."`.
* Examples
using T = const int&;
nameof::nameof_type<T>() -> "int"
## `nameof_full_type`
* Function that obtains string name of full type, with reference and cv-qualifiers.
* Returns `nameof::cstring` - constexpr implementation of an string.
* Returns compiler-specific type name.
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Expression does not have a name."`.
* Examples
using T = const int&;
nameof::nameof_full_type<T>() -> "const int&"
* Macro that obtains string name of type, reference and cv-qualifiers are ignored.
* Returns `nameof::cstring` - constexpr implementation of an string.
* In all cases, reference and cv-qualifiers are ignored by `NAMEOF_TYPE` (that is, `NAMEOF_TYPE(const T&) == NAMEOF_TYPE(T)`).
* Returns compiler-specific type name.
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Expression does not have a name."`.
* Examples
using T = const int&;
NAMEOF_TYPE(T) -> "int"
* Macro that obtains string name of full type, with reference and cv-qualifiers.
* Returns `nameof::cstring` - constexpr implementation of an string.
* Returns compiler-specific type name.
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Expression does not have a name."`.
* Examples
using T = const int&;
NAMEOF_TYPE(T) -> "const int&"
* Macro that obtains string name type of expression, reference and cv-qualifiers are ignored.
* Returns `nameof::cstring` - constexpr implementation of an string.
* Returns returns compiler-specific type name.
* In all cases, reference and cv-qualifiers are ignored.
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Expression does not have a name."`.
* Examples
using T = const int&;
T var = 42;
NAMEOF_TYPE_EXPR(var) -> "int"
* Macro that obtains string name full type of expression, with reference and cv-qualifiers.
* Returns `nameof::cstring` - constexpr implementation of an string.
* Returns compiler-specific type name.
* If argument does not have name, occurs the compilation error `"Expression does not have a name."`.
* Examples
using T = const int&;
T var = 42;
NAMEOF_FULL_TYPE_EXPR(var) -> "const int&"
* Macro that obtains string name of type, using RTTI.
* Returns demangled RTTI type name.
* Examples
struct Base { virtual void foo() {} };
struct Derived : Base {};
Base* ptr = new Derived();
NAMEOF_TYPE_RTTI(ptr) -> "Base *"
NAMEOF_TYPE_RTTI(*ptr) -> "Derived"