Nameof fork with modules for modern C++, simply obtain the name of a variable, type, function, macro, and enum
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2019-10-03 18:39:54 +05:00
doc update doc 2019-10-03 18:39:46 +05:00
example add NAMEOF_ENUM_SUPPORTED and NAMEOF_TYPE_SUPPORTED 2019-10-02 17:48:39 +05:00
include fix build 2019-10-03 18:39:54 +05:00
test add NAMEOF_ENUM_SUPPORTED and NAMEOF_TYPE_SUPPORTED 2019-10-02 17:48:39 +05:00
test_package update ci, cmake, conan 2019-08-24 20:34:41 +05:00
.appveyor.yml update ci 2019-10-01 18:43:46 +05:00
.gitignore add vscode to gitignore 2019-04-09 02:51:22 +05:00
.travis.yml update ci 2019-10-01 18:43:46 +05:00
CMakeLists.txt v0.9.1 2019-10-02 18:38:47 +05:00 v0.9.1 2019-10-02 18:38:47 +05:00
LICENSE wip v0.6.0 2019-03-20 21:41:51 +05:00 add doc 2019-10-03 18:25:50 +05:00

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Nameof C++

Header-only C++17 library provides nameof macros and functions to simply obtain the name of a variable, type, function, macro, and enum.


  • C++17
  • Header-only
  • Dependency-free
  • Compile-time
  • Name of variable, member variable
  • Name of type, variable type
  • Name of function, member function
  • Name of enum, enum variable
  • Name of macro
  • Enum to string



  • Nameof

    // Name of variable.
    NAMEOF(somevar) -> "somevar"
    // Name of member variable.
    NAMEOF(person.address.zip_code) -> "zip_code"
    // Name of function.
    NAMEOF(foo<int, float>()) -> "foo"
    // Name of member function.
    NAMEOF(somevar.some_method()) -> "some_method"
    NAMEOF(somevar.some_method<int>()) -> "some_method"
    // Name of macro.
    NAMEOF(__LINE__) -> "__LINE__"
    NAMEOF(NAMEOF(structvar)) -> "NAMEOF"
  • Nameof enum

    auto color = Color::RED;
    // Name of enum variable.
    NAMEOF_ENUM(color) -> "RED"
    nameof::nameof_enum(color) -> "RED"
    // Static storage enum variable to string.
    // This version is much lighter on the compile times and is not restricted to the enum_range limitation.
    nameof::nameof_enum<Color::GREEN>() -> "GREEN"
  • Nameof type

    using T = const int&;
    T var = 42;
    // Name of variable type.
    NAMEOF_TYPE_EXPR(var) -> "int"
    NAMEOF_FULL_TYPE_EXPR(var) -> "const int&"
    nameof::nameof_type<decltype(var)>() -> "int"
    nameof::nameof_full_type<decltype(var)>() -> "const int&"
    // Name of type.
    NAMEOF_TYPE(T) -> "int"
    NAMEOF_FULL_TYPE(T) -> "const int&"
    nameof::nameof_type<T>() -> "int"
    nameof::nameof_full_type<T>() -> "const int&"
  • Compile-time

    constexpr auto somevar_name = NAMEOF(somevar);
    // somevar_name -> "somevar"
    constexpr auto color_name = NAMEOF_ENUM(Color::BLUE); // or nameof::nameof_enum(Color::BLUE)
    // color_name -> "BLUE"
    constexpr auto var_type_name = NAMEOF_TYPE_EXPR(var); // or nameof::nameof_type<decltype(var)>()
    // var_type_name -> "int"
    constexpr auto type_name = NAMEOF_TYPE(T); // or nameof::nameof_type<T>()
    // type_name -> "int"


You should add required file nameof.hpp.

If you are using vcpkg on your project for external dependencies, then you can use the nameof package.

If you are using Conan to manage your dependencies, merely add nameof/x.y.z@neargye/stable to your conan's requires, where x.y.z is the release version you want to use.

Compiler compatibility

  • Clang/LLVM >= 5
  • Visual C++ >= 15.3 / Visual Studio >= 2017
  • Xcode >= 9
  • GCC >= 7 (GCC >= 9 for NAMEOF_ENUM)

Licensed under the MIT License